
恒常性機能の低下や慢性的な代謝の異常などがあると、改善のプロセスの中で一過性的に不快感を覚える場合があります。 長期間その不快感が続くことはなく激痛を伴うこともありません。この反応は「好転反応」と呼ばれています。
皮膚の場合は赤みや軽い炎症、乾燥している場合はかゆみを少し伴うこともあります。 体内の場合は、一時的に便秘になったり、下痢っぽくなったり、おしっこの回数が増えたりすることもあります。
体内の場合は、朝の目覚めが一時的に悪くなる場合もあります。 アクビが頻繁に出て、いつもと違うだるさや眠さを昼間から感じることもあります。
肌が脂っぽい、逆に乾燥した感じになって、洗顔時に垢や老廃物が取れるような感触がある場合もあります。 また、腎系が弱っている場合は、極まれに洗顔時にグレーの色が洗顔剤に混ざることもあります。
疲労は様々な部位に現れます。身体は「休んでください・・」と知らせているのかもしれません。 睡眠は十分にとれていますか、「アクセルを踏むのは簡単ですがブレーキは難しい・・」、それを忘れないでください。

イライラしていると、それはお肌にも現れ表情も暗くなりがち。吹き出物が出たり、カサカサになったり、やたらと過敏になったり、頭痛や肩こり、便秘や下痢の原因にもなります。 またストレスが溜まり心が弱くなると、恐れや不安が膨らんで症状を悪化させる場合もあります。思想を高め、呼吸を整えて、気分転換をして心を和ませましょう。 自助努力の基本はいつも明朗な自分を維持すること、素直な心を取り戻すと環境や状況を受け入れることもできます。

栄養を含め、バランスのよい食事は大切です。外食が多いと酸性に偏りやすいのでアルカリ性の食材を摂るよう心がけましょう。 東洋医学ではそれに加えて陰性と陽性があります。脂肪(陽性)やリノール酸や白砂糖(陰性)の摂り過ぎはアレルギーっぽい症状を発症しやすくしますし、メタボリック症候群(肥満)の原因にもなります。


便秘は難病奇病の素、お肌は当然荒れやすくなりますし、感情が制御できなかったり、免疫機構が低下したり異常になりやすくなります。 下痢が続く場合は胃腸の粘膜が傷ついている場合もありますので、症状が重い場合は医師に相談してください。

よく眠れますか、目覚めはいいですか、体温は正常ですか、しびれやめまいなどの症状はないですか・・。 睡眠不足、運動不足、歪んだ食事、精神疲労、呼吸の乱れ、生きがいややりがいのない日々などが構築されていくと、知らず知らずの内に過労気味になります。 病気とまではいえないが原因不明のつらい症状が続く・・、これは自律神経の失調かもしれません。生活習慣から見直しましょう。

水分も保持しづらくなりますので、身体(人)にやさしい水も十分に摂取してください。しわ・しみ・くすみができてうれしい人はいません。 自分にあったものであれば、酵素や乳酸菌、免疫力を維持しやすくする栄養補助食品なども有効的です。

皮膚にある汗腺は汗だけではなく、分泌型免疫グロブリンA(IgA)という物質を出しています。 この物質は外来からの菌やウイルスの感染を防御する働きを持っていますが、消化器や気管などでも確認されています。


免疫グロブリンAが何らかの理由で欠乏ぎみになると、皮膚表面はかさついたり過敏になったりして、赤みやかゆみなどの炎症を起こしやすくなり、同時に外来菌やウイルスなども住みやすくなります。 また、アレルギー反応の原因ともなる抗原も侵入しやすくなって不快な症状を発症しやすくなります。


疲労、ストレス、睡眠不足、栄養不足、血行障害、冷え、消化器・内臓機能低下、加齢、ホルモンのアンバランス、自律神経失調症、慢性疾患、免疫疾患など、 免疫グロブリンAの不足する要素はいろいろありますが、皮膚においては過敏に反応しやすい化学物質をできるだけ避け、保湿をやさしく促していくことが身近な手段であり必要不可欠です。

また、良質な水、アミノ酸、低分子コラーゲン、ミネラル、ビタミンなどが好影響を与えることはすでに周知されていますが、 さらに温泉の成分や温泉のイオンバランスなどを取り入れると、洗浄性や抗炎症作用に優れた機能性を発揮します。


About Cleansing Reaction

With a decrease in functions of the body or chronic metabolic abnormalities, you might feel transient discomfort in the process of improvement. Such discomfort would neither last long nor be accompanied by severe pain. This is called "cleansing reaction".
Hypersensitivity reaction
There might be redness and mild inflammation on the skin, and, if the skin is dry, it might be accompanied by a little itchiness.
If it occurs inside the body, there might be temporary constipation, diarrhea-like symptoms, or increased frequency of urination.
Sometimes you may also feel your stomach stretching; or it may temporarily affect the value of the blood test.
Relaxation reaction
On the skin, you may feel like your pores look big or become loose.
If it occurs inside the body, for a while, you may have some difficulty waking up in the morning.
Yawn comes out frequently, and you may feel unusual fatigue and sleepiness during the day.
Also, as the tension is allayed, your old injury may hurt again.
Excretion reaction
The skin is oily; but, to the contrary, it feels dry. At times, it also feels like the dirt and waste are all removed when you’re washing your face. In addition, if your renal system is weak, very rarely, the facial cleanser might be mixed with a grayish color when you’re washing the face.
If it occurs inside the body, you may fart a lot or it may also be accompanied by diarrhea and so on.
If you feel refreshing and warm after the diarrhea, this may be the reaction in the process that the autonomic nervous system is adjusted gently.
Diarrhea that is bad to the body (such as the cases of food poisoning, appendicitis, or various diseases) will always cause griping pains in your stomach, and may be accompanied by severe pain. Such a case is not a cleansing reaction. Please consult your doctor as soon as possible.
If you feel intense discomfort, please avoid using and, above all, rest yourself.
For cosmetics, avoid products that contain a lot of chemicals to the greatest extent. Try to wash and moisturize your face with water.
For foods and so on, although it will most often settle down in a few days, please keep drinking for about three months.
Please stop using if it doesn’t work well.
Check points for improvement
● Do you feel tired? Do you sleep enough?
Fatigue can appear in various parts of the body, which might be telling you "Please rest …". Are you getting enough sleep? Please bear in mind that "It is easy to step on the gas pedal but hard to brake...”

● Are you mentally stressed?
If you’re always fretting, your mood will be reflected on your skin and your face will look gloomy. It will also cause pimples, dry skin, frequent hypersensitivity, headache and stiff neck, and constipation and diarrhea. Also, when the stress accumulates and your heart becomes faint, the symptoms may worsen as your fear and anxiety grow. You need to brace yourself up, get your breath back, have a mental break and soothe your heart. That basic of self-help efforts is to always keep yourself cheerful. You can accept the environment and situation as they are by regain your true heart.

●Do you have an unbalanced diet?
A balanced diet, including nutrition, is very important. You should try to take in more alkaline foods because eating out too much will make you more acidic. In addition, foods are considered to be either negative or positive in oriental medicine. Taking in too much fat (positive) or linoleic acid or white sugar (negative) will make it easier to develop allergy-like symptoms, or cause metabolic syndrome (obesity).

● Do you have circulation disorder or cold sensitivity?
If you don’t do anything about it, the circulation disorder may decrease the function of your internal organs, and may also become the cause of hormone imbalance. At times, eczema appears on the lower part of the face or around the neck. Also, a woman may have irregular periods or severe period pain.
Cold sensitivity tends to cause "rise of Qi." The mental fatigue cannot be easily fought off resulting in continuous nerve tension and stiff muscles in shoulder, neck, and waist. You should try to avoid cold things, walk more and take a comfortable bath.

●Do you have constipation or diarrhea?
Constipation is the root of many incurable or rare diseases. Of course, your skin may easily become rough, and there may be more abnormalities such as uncontrollable emotions or weakened immune system. If the diarrhea continues, you may have your gastrointestinal mucosae damaged. So please consult your doctor if you have severe symptoms.
Check the balance of your diet one more time to see if it contains sufficient cereal, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and amino acid.

●Is the balance of your autonomic nerve about to collapse?
Do you sleep well? Can you wake up easily? Is your body temperature normal? Do you have symptoms such as numbness or dizziness? ... You could unwittingly develop too much fatigue if you always have poor sleep, insufficient exercises, unhealthy diet, mental fatigue, disordered breathing, and unrewarding daily life without a direction. Painful symptoms without clear causes may last, though they cannot be considered as illnesses yet... This might be the disorder of the autonomic nerve. Let's make a change of your lifestyle.

● Have you taken sufficient measures against fatigue and aging?
Fatigue and aging will decrease both functions of internal organs and metabolism. Please note that effort and perseverance may at times worsen the symptoms in such cases.
Please also take in enough water, which is good to the body (human), as the moisture becomes harder to maintain. No one likes to see wrinkles, liver spots, or dullness forming. As long as they suit you, the enzyme and lactic acid bacteria, as well as nutritional supplements that make it easier to maintain the immunity, are also very effective.

●Do you have any chronic disease or immune disease?
For example, if you have a chronic disease such as diabetes, it may persist for a long period of time along with complicated symptoms, and worsen gradually. It is important to have blood test and physical examination, and try to check yourself objectively.
It could be very dangerous if you have a chronic disease or immune disease but do nothing about it. Please push yourself to receive treatment in spite of your anxiety.
If you’re seeking to improve your health through alternative medicine and health supplements, it is essential to combine them with treatment.
IgA (immunoglobulin A)
Sweat glands in the skin not only sweat but also produce a substance called secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA). This substance has a function to protect against infection of bacteria and viruses from outside the body, but it has also been confirmed in the digestive system and trachea.
The immunoglobulin A, which has been revealed by research that it can prevent infections both in the skin and in the internal organs, also contributes significantly to the condition of the skin. When there seems to be not enough immunoglobulin A due to some reason, the surface of skin can become dry or irritable, or prone to inflammation such as redness and itching, and also easier to be dwelled on by bacteria and viruses from outside the body. In addition, it becomes easier for the antigens, which are also the cause of allergic reactions, to invade, and easier to develop unpleasant symptoms.
Although immunoglobulin A functions as a barrier for the skin and mucosae. When they dry out, its functionality will decrease and a slight deficiency of it will occur. Therefore, moisturizing is one of the important things for skin care. There are a number of factors that may result in the lack of immunoglobulin A, such as fatigue, stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, circulation disorder, cold sensitivity, decline in the function of digestive system and internal organs, aging, hormonal imbalance, autonomic nervous disorder, chronic disease, and immune disease. As a means in our everyday life, it is essential to avoid, where possible, chemicals that may easily cause hypersensitivity reaction in the skin, and to ensure gently moisturizing. In addition, it is already well known that high-quality water, amino acids, low molecular weight collagen, minerals, and vitamins can have a positive impact. And if we further incorporate the components or the ion balance of hot springs, we can achieve the functionality of cleaning and anti-inflammatory effect.
Those that meet these factors are highly functional. And, if they’re almost natural, and have been verified of their effects, as a matter of course you’re more likely to be able to break free from those unpleasant symptoms and keep a comfortable condition.